Magical Renegades ~ The Scattered Archives

The Scattered Archives

You enter the library when you are greeted by the librarian, who might look familiar. Her outfit was an attempt at the corporate casual. She was wearing a platinum beige button-down shirt with matching shorts and a visor that had the logo of the resort stitched on it. There was a splash of bright color on her outfit through the glitchy sunset-patterned tie.

"Hello! Welcome to The Scattered Archives!" She greeted the visitor.

These stories were derived from art challenges, and expand on the lore and events that happened between timelines. Here they have been collected and organized by timeline. Click them below to read the stories and see the pictures with them!


An arrow pointing right towards the link.

First timeline

An arrow pointing right towards the link.

Second timeline

An arrow pointing right towards the link.

Third timeline

An arrow pointing right towards the link.



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