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Welcome, visitor! What do you get when you have a bizarre and anachronistic timeline in 1880's that was created from a space-time incident, and then ran through the filter of 1990's Web design and aesthetics? ![]() You get Magical Renegades 9 0 ' s R e s o r t! It's more polished than when it launched, but that construction site remains as a tribute to the many Old Web pages that were perpetually under construction! ^^; This is an adaptation of supplementary material hosted on Wordpress, but adapted to the style of the old web! Some parts of the 1990's Web experience like a specific browser being required to load a website should be left in the past, but let's embrace the fun and expressiveness of the era! These pages should also load more quickly than they would have! Visit The Tour section for information, and The Library to see the stories! Travel Logs Is a new spin-off made for this site. Grab your complimentary drink in those cups with the swooshy pattern on them, and let's go on the tour! :-P ![]() |
Latest updates! |
See The News Stand for older updates and posts that chronicle the development process from before the launch! |
23 Feb |
The production notes for episode 40 have been posted to The Production Room and there's a lot to cover: Character outfit designs, 3D modeling techniques for the outdoor scenery, dialogue changes and technical issues! |
20 Feb |
After technical issues and needing to make a lot of new panels, episode 40 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! This first episode of the year is a big one and a lot of production notes will follow! ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 40: Well Excuse Us, Legionnaire Princess! The Magical Renegades Are Resisting Arrest! She's not mentioned by name in this episode, but Legionnaire Princess arrives and poses a challenge to the Renegades just as they were trying to leave! |
29 Jan |
The fourth WIP post for episode 40 has been posted to The Production Room! During this week there was an unfortunate technical issue (original .SVG files missing for a scene from the previous comic version so several panels will need to be remade) but progress continues! ![]() This episode will be brought to you by dramatic posing! This is one of the panels that needed to be remade. ![]() Renegade Knockout Tango is telling Renegade Threat Level Red Alert something, but more likely battle plans than a reminder to make sure she saves all of her files, though that'd be a good lesson for anyone! |
20 Jan |
The third WIP post for episode 40 has been posted to The Production Room! It's not as large of a post as the previous WIP but covers more progress with a preview of what's ahead: ![]() |
14 Jan |
The notes for the second WIP for episode 40 have been posted to The Production Room! This is a large post with multiple images. It features a new outdoor scene and a few returning characters with new outfits! ![]() ![]() The exterior of the Stranded Inn Time hotel is being remade in 3D for these outdoor scenes. There'll be even more to say with the next WIPs and the production notes! |
7 Jan |
The notes for the first WIP for episode 40 have been posted to The Production Room! ![]() |
3 Jan 2024 |
![]() With a new year is a good time to clean up this page and move a lot of the older entries to the The News Stand archives! Everything up to around 1 year ago has been moved for a smoother front page experience. The production notes for episode 39 have also been added to The Production Room! ![]() |
30/31 Dec |
![]() Just in time to be the last new episode of the year after a 3 month hiatus! Episode 39 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! The production notes for this episode will be coming soon and there will be a lot. ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 39: Looking Back... The Closing Act of the Battle of the Second Night? The Magical Renegades celebrate for now, but what's ahead or behind them?... One of the next updates would also be an ideal time to clean out the front page and move several of the older updates to The News Stand archive section. |
10 Dec |
Another WIP post for episode 39 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published in The Production Room. ![]() Renegade Knockout Tango is excited about this, or something else! |
12 Nov |
The first WIP post for episode 39 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published in The Production Room! ![]() The sky is calm and it looks like a good time to muse about something... or is it? This update also covers more about the process for 3D modeling a reference model to help with some of the poses and angles. |
8 Nov |
The Lore page received some overdue updates! So many scattered lore details in the episodes and Scattered Archives. Here on the lore page, more of them are being put together in one place! These updates expand on the character classes, and there will be another update about major locations. |
5 Nov |
Chapters 13, 13.5 and 14 of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation have been published! The production notes for these chapters have also been posted to The Production Room. After the challenges of adapting episode 11, 12, 13 and 13.5 have been straightforward to adapt. Chapter 14 was trickier since it's also adapted from an Extra! Chronicles chapter and has extra lines of dialogue. The production notes for these chapters will be up next. |
18 Oct |
The story for scene 4 of of Roll for It! has been added! ![]() Katt plays as a farmer in this MMO and after a difficult grind clearing a dungeon for a spell book, she takes another risk... |
13 Oct |
The story for scene 3 of Roll for It! has been added! ![]() Chelsea fights against a ghost who's also desperate... and looks like her! This chapter reveals some more lore within the MMO and some of the player class advantages and disadvantages. |
10 Oct |
The second scene of Roll for It! has been added! ![]() Chelsea the aristocrat also plays as one in the MMO, but she's still having to do some dirty work and she's not pleased about it in this entry! The Drawtober 2023 page on the main site has also been updated with the notes for it, the drawing and notes for the third entry (story coming soon here!) and the prompts that were rolled for the fourth and fifth scenes which are also in-progress! |
5 Oct |
![]() It's October and it's that time of the year for an art challenge that includes extra Magical Renegades stories and lore despite the update schedule for ATC getting slowed down for it! This spin-off is called Roll for It! And it takes place in an MMO! ![]() What's the context of this? It's not what it looks like! You can find out in the story and the new page about this art challenge that inspired this story!
24 Sep |
Whoops... This is a late announcement but episode 38 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! The goggles do something in this update! ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 38: Hold My Weapon and Let Me Try This! Renegade Threat Level Red Alert's Tricky Troubleshooting Gambit! The production notes for this episode are also posted to The Production Room! Several images are included in these notes since the draft of what was going to be the second WIP for this episode was merged into them. There are also some more lore details about the differences between the Classical and Nova-Class Mages. Things that really should be added to the Lore page! |
11 Sep |
Chapters 11 and 12 of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation have been published! More snarky narration galore in these chapters! Chapter 12 was fairly straightforward to adapt but 11 was one of the trickiest for introducing four characters at once! The URL for chapter 11 doesn't end in "chapter11.html" but is "chapter1-1" because I accidentally created a folder in that directory called "chapter11.html". I meant it to be a file and didn't notice I accidentally clicked the "New Folder" button but I can't go back to rename or delete that folder! 😫 The Production Room's latest update has a double-feature; production notes for chapters 11 and 12, and the first WIP post for episode 38! ![]() In this WIP, Renegade Threat Level Red Alert is trying something unusual. When her weapon wasn't working, she trying to see if she use the power of the superconductor crystals directly! |
22 Aug |
Chapters 8-10 of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation have been published! Adapting these chapters was to revisit the space-time continuum crash and all of the 3D visuals that were rendered in Infini-D! There's more in the next few episodes, which will be in the webnovel adaptation! |
19 Aug |
The production notes for episode 37 have been added to The Production Room! Next will be a few more chapters of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation and that extra feature I said I'd be posting but kept forgetting ^^; ![]() New/updated sections of the site are also announced with more flair! The previous "new" image that was used in the menu was one that I made, but alas I don't know how to make animated GIFs, but I found one that fit perfectly and gives off even more 90's web vibes, just as intended! |
14 Aug |
Episode 37 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! Production notes will be coming soon and so will more chapters of the webnovel adaptation! ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 37: Training Through Trial by Fire! Enemy Forces Return! The new Magical Renegades member gets thrown into battle without any time to train when her teammates' weapons are low on power! Suddenly "no such thing as too much firepower" isn't so practical but it makes for a catchy end to the Magical Renegades' incantation for new wielders! |
10 Aug |
Chapters 6, 7 and 7.5 of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation have been published and added to the chapter list! A stranded time traveler crosses paths with some students at Capital Remedial Action Prep School before she searches for the answer to a question that's been on her mind since she left the past... |
7 Aug |
The second WIP for episode 37 has been posted to The Production Room! ![]() Revamping one of the trickiest panels in this episode to combine 2D and 3D was a challenge. It didn't turn out as expected but it was still a 3D modeling and writing experience! This episode is almost completed now, and a few more chapters of the webnovel adaptation are almost ready too! |
31 Jul |
The production notes for chapters 3-5 of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation have been posted to The Production Room! Next will be the second WIP for episode 37 and another extra feature! Stay tuned! |
30 Jul |
Chapters 3-5 of the Anathema to Commonsense webnovel adaptation have been published and added to the page! There'll be more production notes for these chapters and they'll be coming soon and so will the next WIP for episode 37! |
25 Jul |
The production notes for the first 2 chapters of the webnovel adaptation have been posted to The Production Room! The process of adapting the episodes has usually been straightforward but there will be notes about the more challenging parts. Chapters 3-6 are in-progress now and the second WIP for episode 37 will be coming soon too! |
24 Jul |
![]() There wasn't a WIP this weekend, but there's something else!... Are you ready to read Anathema to Commonsense and the spin-off stories in the same place? You're in luck now! The webnovel adaptation began and the first two chapters are available on the ATC page (and here)! The links to each chapter will be added to the episode list as they become available! When the main story is the main attraction, shouldn't it be hosted here too? Unfortunately that's difficult for a webtoon, but not having it here made this site feel incomplete, like a resort missing its main attraction despite advertising it! This webnovel adaptation will be faithful to the source material, adapting one episode for each chapter. They'll be promoted side by side, with an episode and the webnovel chapter it adapts being released side by side once those chapters are caught up! Production notes about the first two chapters will also be coming soon! |
17 Jul |
The first WIP post for episode 37 has been posted to The Production Room! There was a lot to write about for this remake of a scene that also covers an efficient rendering technique that helped save on time while getting overall the same results! ![]() The time-stopping spell broke. Will the new Magical Renegade be ready to fight? |
7 Jul |
The production notes for episode 36 have been added to The Production Room! This is another large entry with several pictures! |
2 Jul |
Episode 36 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 36: An Immediate Warning! The Magical Renegades' Newest Member! Renegade Threat Level Red Alert finally makes her first appearance in this episode! The production notes for the episode will be coming soon too! |
21 Jun |
The first WIP for episode 36 has been posted to The Production Room! This is a preview of the initiation process! |
1 Jun |
The production notes for episode 35 have been posted to The Production Room! These are some of the longest and reveal more lore about one of the character classes, and technical notes about combining 2D and 3D in one of the scenes. |
22 May |
After a schedule slip juggling multiple things, episode 35 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! This episode also has some trivia added to the Trivia page! ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 35: You'll Make It, We Swear! Initiation of a Renegade Is About to Begin! Soon... One of the Renegades on the cover page will make her first appearance in this new version! |
16 Apr |
The second WIP post for episode 35 have been added to the The Production Room and shows the major plot point: ![]() The initiation process will be soon! It's been a very busy few weeks that this WIP kept getting delayed, but progress has steadily continued for this episode! |
22 Mar |
The first WIPs for episode 35 have been added to the The Production Room! This WIP features a preview of the first panel and a prototype design of one of the character classes' uniforms, modeled in 3D for a reference! ![]() |
15 Mar |
The production notes for episode 34 have been added to the The Production Room! This entry has more details about the production process, about a change in art style during one of the scenes in the episode and about the challenges of blending 2D and 3D! |
12 Mar |
Episode 34 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! Three WIP posts were written about the production process but there will be more details yet in the production notes post which will be coming soon! This was another very ambitious episode with plenty of trivia which has been added to the Trivia page! Katt's meeting with two of the Magical Renegades goes well until the swarm of enemies return, but Renegade Midnight Conductor has a plan... ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 34: Soaring Sky High! Meeting Renegades Midnight Conductor and Knockout Tango! |
8 Mar |
The third WIP post for episode 34 has been added to The Production Room! ![]() The next episode may soon be ready and there's still a lot to say about the production of it! Check it for musings about when to keep effects 2D or adapt them to 3D, and to see a reference for Renegade Midnight Conductor's new form of her weapon! |
5 Mar |
The second WIP post for episode 34 has been added to The Production Room! This WIP post features another new visual effect in 3D, and of another preview... ![]() |
18 Feb |
The first WIP post for episode 34 has been added to The Production Room! ![]() |
13 Feb |
The production notes for episode 33 have been added to The Production Room! |
11 Feb |
Episode 33 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! There was a lot to say about the production of this episode. Two WIP posts cover a lot of details about parts of the production process, but there will be more about the writing in the upcoming production notes entry! This episode also has some trivia, newly added to the Trivia page! Katt takes her chances holding onto the initiation device when it seems to be going haywire. Renegade Knockout Tango keeps the enemies away but will this buy enough time? ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 33: Taking Her Chance on the Edge of Life! Holding on Against the Magic Surge?! Extra! Extra! The Synopses for the Extra! Chronicles chapters have also been added! |
3 Feb |
Another WIP post episode 33 was added to The Production Room! This WIP shows the beginning of an expanded scene! ![]() |
29 Jan |
The first WIP post for episode 33 was added to The Production Room! As with episode 32, this will be another episode with major changes from the pages it adapts. ![]() Adapting the panels to the scrolling webtoon format gave more room for glitched visuals; these were made in Blender! Read the WIP post for more details about how these effects were made! |
26 Jan |
The production notes for episode 32 were added to The Production Room! Strap yourselves in... this is a longer post with a lot to write about! Several of the previous updates were moved to the News Stand archive to make this front page more tidy! |
23 Jan |
Episode 32 of Anathema to Commonsense has been published! The production notes for this episode are almost ready and there will be a lot since there were a lot of changes made between this episode and the previous version pages it adapts! Renegade Midnight Conductor fights the League's robots that ware trying to capture her and the extra initiation device or startup device she has! The power of her weapon is running low and she needs to make a decision... ![]() The link goes to the episode on Tapas. Episode 32: Renegade Midnight Conductor's Urgent Choice! Will It Throw the Battle or Turn the Tide for the Renegades? This update was planned for the weekend but there was a last minute addition and another refinement; the Anathema to Commonsense page was also updated with synopses for each episode and the tables were adjusted to have a dynamic width! Synopses for the Extra! Chronicles chapters will be coming soon too! The tables on the front page also have dynamic widths too, so this should look better on larger resolutions! |
20 Jan |
The third WIP post for episode 32 has been posted to The Production Room! ![]() Check the post for more details! This is part of a scene that will be expanded on. |
15 Jan |
The second WIP post for episode 32 has been posted to The Production Room! ![]() This panel made use of a posed 3D model. Check the entry for more details! |