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Description: Two characters dressed in 1990’s-style attire look towards the sunset at the beach. Glimpses of palm trees behind the characters are visible at the left and right edges of the image. The character in front is holding a Solo cup with that iconic 90’s swoosh pattern on it. The character behind her has a bucket of popcorn in one hand, and a pair of binoculars in the other. The water reflects the light of the sunset, but something caused a large splash

Magical Renegades 90's  R e s o r t

This is the splash page that almost was!

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Any browser should be fine, AFAIK. There are some marquees, which may not be supported on all modern browsers, but at least no critical functionality would be broken!

Click the Enter sign to be taken on a trip of Magical Renegades! 90's fashion, old web aesthetics, 3D renders in a program from the 90's, and pixel art ahoy!

Most of it. The Anathema to Commonsense episodes are still only on Tapas, because would you *really* want to read a long-form vertical scrolling comic that's heavily compressed to fit within storage limits? However there's a webnovel adaptation of it with parts of the episodes as illustrations for each chapter. This way, the story of ATC can easily be hosted here.

The webnovel chapters, the rest of the lore, and the spin-off stories will be adapted here in one place!